ClassDescriptionAbstract base class for client problems (HTTP status code 4xx).FluentInputValidationProblem<SELF extends InputValidationProblem & FluentInputValidationProblem<SELF>>Provides default methods with fluent InputValidationProblem properties (issues).Provides default methods with fluent Problem properties (detail, href, instance, additionalProperty).Provides default methods with fluent RetryAfter problem properties (retryAfter, retryAfterSec).Interface implemented by problems that add HTTP response headers.Enumeration for invalid parameter locations.Input<V>Input model for
.Maps to InputValidationIssue in belgif/problem/v1/problem-v1.yaml.Helper class for creating InputValidationIssues for common request validations.Abstract base class for input validation problems.Deprecated.Abstract base class for problems (RFC 9457).Annotation used onProblem
subclasses for configuring the problem type URI, used for Jackson polymorphic deserialization.Interface implemented by problems with retryAfter / retryAfterSec properties.Abstract base class for client problems with retryAfter/retryAfterSec.Abstract base class for server problems with retryAfter/retryAfterSec.Abstract base class for server problems (HTTP status code 5xx).