All Classes and Interfaces
Abstract base class for
with multiple inputs.Abstract base class for
(for extensible fluent builder pattern).Abstract base class for
with a single input.ParameterNameDiscoverer that retrieves the parameter name from Spring MVC annotations (if present).
ParameterNameProvider that retrieves the parameter name from Spring MVC annotations (if present).
HTTP 502: Bad Gateway (
HTTP 400: Bad Request (
RestController exception handler for exceptions related to bean validation.
ProblemModule implementation for Java EE applications.
CDI extension for dynamic discovery of
classes annotated with @ProblemType
.Abstract base class for client problems (HTTP status code 4xx).
ExceptionMapper for mapping ConstraintViolationException to BadRequestProblem.
Default ExceptionMapper for mapping unhandled exceptions to InternalServerErrorProblem.
Default generic problem implementation class in case no specific type mapping was found.
ExceptionMapper for unhandled EJBExceptions.
HTTP 401: Expired Access Token (
Provides default methods with fluent InputValidationProblem properties (issues).
Provides default methods with fluent Problem properties (detail, href, instance, additionalProperty).
Provides default methods with fluent RetryAfter problem properties (retryAfter, retryAfterSec).
Interface implemented by problems that add HTTP response headers.
Helper class for I18N (Internationalization).
Filter that registers the requested locale, as specified in Accept-Language HTTP header,
with the
(and clears it afterward).Filter that registers the requested locale, as specified in Accept-Language HTTP header,
with the
@RequestScoped CDI bean.ServletContextListener that enables/disables I18N based on the ""
parameter, which is resolved from following configuration locations in order:
System property
Environment variable
web.xml context param
Enables or disables problem I18N support based on MicroProfile Config property.
Enables or disables problem I18N support based on configuration property.
Enumeration for invalid parameter locations.
Input model for
.Maps to InputValidationIssue in belgif/problem/v1/problem-v1.yaml.
Helper class for creating InputValidationIssues for common request validations.
Abstract base class for input validation problems.
Interface for validation of input parameters.
HTTP 500: Internal Server Error
HTTP 401: Invalid Access Token (
RestController exception handler for InvalidRequestException thrown by Atlassian swagger-request-validator library.
ExceptionMapper for mapping jackson MismatchedInputException to BadRequestProblem.
A ParameterNameProvider that retrieves the parameter name from JAX-RS annotations (if present).
Spring LocaleResolver implementation that delegates to
.Request-scoped CDI bean to hold the request locale.
Interface for pluggable LocaleResolver implementation (via ServiceLoader SPI from file
HTTP 403: Missing Permission (
HTTP 403: Missing Scope (
HTTP 401: No Access Token (
HTTP 413: Payload Too Large (
Abstract base class for problems (RFC 9457).
Spring Boot AutoConfiguration for rest-problem-spring.
ClientBuilder delegate wrapper that enables WrappedProblem exception mapping on the created Client instance.
CDI producer for problem-enabled JAX-RS ClientBuilder and Client.
JAX-RS ClientResponseFilter that converts problem response to a ProblemWrapper exception.
Lists all supported configurations for the belgif-rest-problem-spring library.
Exception handler for RestControllers.
ExceptionMapper for
.BuildSteps for belgif-rest-problem-quarkus extension needed to support native mode.
The "application/problem+json" MediaType.
The "application/problem+json" MediaType.
Problem module that can be registered on jackson
.ObjectMapper that registers the CdiProblemModule.
RestTemplate error handler that converts problem responses to Problem exceptions.
Client-side problem mapper for MicroProfile REST Client.
RestClientCustomizer that registers the
.Listener that enables problem support for MicroProfile REST Clients.
RestTemplateCustomizer that registers the
.Utility class for enabling problem support on JAX-RS Clients.
Annotation used on
subclasses for configuring the problem type URI,
used for Jackson polymorphic deserialization.Dynamic registry of
classes annotated with @ProblemType
.ValidationConfigurationCustomizer that registers the AnnotationParameterNameProvider.
Registers a LocalValidatorFactoryBean with the AnnotationParameterNameDiscoverer.
WebClientCustomizer that registers a filter that converts problem responses to Problem exceptions.
ResponseProcessingException that wraps a Problem.
LocaleResolver implementation that resolves the Locale from the
request-scoped LocaleHolder CDI bean.
Build compatible CDI extension for dynamic discovery of
classes annotated with @ProblemType
.SyntheticBeanCreator for QuarkusProblemTypeRegistry.
ProblemTypeRegistry implementation for Quarkus.
Performs validation on input parameters of an API request.
HTTP 404: Resource Not Found (
Interface implemented by problems with retryAfter / retryAfterSec properties.
Abstract base class for client problems with retryAfter/retryAfterSec.
Abstract base class for server problems with retryAfter/retryAfterSec.
RestController exception handler for routing-related exceptions.
Abstract base class for server problems (HTTP status code 5xx).
HTTP 503: Service Unavailable (
ProblemModule implementation for Spring Boot applications.
ProblemTypeRegistry implementation for Spring Boot applications.
LocaleResolver implementation that uses a ThreadLocal.
HTTP 429: Too Many Failed Requests
HTTP 429: Too Many Requests (
ExceptionMapper for unhandled WebApplicationExceptions.